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Find the right jobs and teams for you

Hatch Team

Sep 7, 2022
min read

Get to know teams before you apply! Dive into their team videos, purpose, work style & values on Hatch.

Looking for a new job is anything but easy. All we’ve had so far are job boards that force people to scroll through soulless job ads. When most job descriptions are paragraphs of text that start to look and sound the same, how can you truly know what kind of role or team you’re diving into? Big yikes!

"Hang on, this wasn’t what I signed up for..."

Ever started a new job and found yourself in a role that was nothing like the job description or interview?  You’re not alone. Here’s what a survey found:

  • 64% of employees are likely to leave a new job within their first year after a negative onboarding experience.
  • Over 25% of employees say they didn’t get enough information about their job before accepting an offer.
  • Only 40% of employees say their current job is exactly what was described during the interview process.

On Hatch, teams don’t just tell you what it’s like to work with them, they show you.

You deserve to know the facts before you apply for any role - it’s a big commitment! That’s why we’ve made a handful of changes on Hatch that make it easier than ever for you to understand what working in a team will truly be like, before you decide to apply.

On Hatch, you can take a peek into what it’s like in a team before you apply for a role.

What’s new?

We believe you should find work in the right teams based on who you are as a person, not what’s on your resume. We’re excited to share with you two updates:

  • Team profiles will help you learn more about the role and team upfront.
  • Real-time role matches will help you discover exciting new opportunities, as soon as they go live!

Let’s dive into team profiles first.

When you’re exploring Hatch roles, you can now tap through to the role page and see a team profile, featuring a hero video, purpose statement, work style and values - all created by the team! This means you can dive deeper into their world from the very start.

Meet the team

Watch a quick video showing the actual members in the team, so you can see who you’ll be working with.

Join their mission

Check out the team’s name and purpose statement for the team, and learn about what they’re trying to achieve. You might discover that they have shared passions and values as you!

Tip! The team name usually reflects a department or focus.

  • Some companies have simple teams/departments e.g. Customer Support, Sales, Marketing etc.
  • Some companies may have different teams within a larger department e.g. B2B Marketing team, Social Media team, Email Marketing team etc.
  • Some companies may have different divisions or brands e.g. Qantas Loyalty, Qantas Insurance, Qantas Tourism

Find matched vibes

Use the beautiful visual maps on the role page to understand the team’s culture and working style. This helps you instantly see what they value.

Now, let’s look at real-time role matches for you.

Nobody likes the waiting game, especially if it’s a great opportunity! On top of seeing your matched roles in our weekly emails, you can now see your matches all the time when logged into your Hatch account. Your matches are always up-to-date in a section of your profile called Roles for you, so check back regularly to see new roles as soon as they go live. You just never know when your next dream job will pop up.

Seeing your matched roles is great, but it also helps to understand why a particular role is worth your time. Roles that match to you will now explain why they might be great for you. Your matches could be based on...

  • Where you want to work e.g. Sydney, remote.
  • How you'd like to work e.g. Full-time, contract, part-time, etc.
  • What types of roles you're interested in e.g. Customer Support, Marketing, Sales, etc.
  • What role level you're looking for e.g. Entry level, junior, internship, mid-level
  • Which industries you're open to explore e.g. E-commerce, Finance, Travel, Education, Healthcare, etc.

This is only the start! We’ll add more factors over time so you can find even better matches.

To see your matched roles and learn why they’re a great fit for you, you’ll need to set your matching preferences in your Hatch profile. Login or sign up now

Picture your favourite team or role, past or present. If it’s a team, what made it great? If it’s a role, why did you love it? We’re 100% sure that whatever your reasons may be, they definitely are the underlying things that you just can’t immediately see from a job description.

By discovering more roles that match to you and diving into the team’s world, you’re closer to finding meaningful work with people that lift you up, no matter your experience of background.

Ready to meet new teams? See all live roles now

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