How Hatch helps Airtasker hire more effectively

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Airtasker, a leading services marketplace, are on a mission to empower people to realise the full value of their skills. They connect people who need to get anything done, with those who have the relevant skills and are ready to earn. They have a team of 170+ people and IPO’d on the ASX in 2021. We spoke with Tom Randon, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist at Airtasker about how they use Hatch.

I don't believe that you can necessarily have a one size fits all solution when it comes to hiring, particularly when we think about Gen Z and their sort of values driven nature of what they want from potential employers.

Tom Randon
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

How did they use Hatch?

The better and human way to hire

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How Hatch helps Airtasker hire more effectively

Airtasker, a leading services marketplace, are on a mission to empower people to realise the full value of their skills. They connect people who need to get anything done, with those who have the relevant skills and are ready to earn. They have a team of 170+ people and IPO’d on the ASX in 2021. We spoke with Tom Randon, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist at Airtasker about how they use Hatch.

I don't believe that you can necessarily have a one size fits all solution when it comes to hiring, particularly when we think about Gen Z and their sort of values driven nature of what they want from potential employers.
Tom Randon
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

Why investing in junior talent is so important

“Having a more diverse workforce means that your retention rates generally increase. You can develop and nurture people, you can promote from within rather than constantly needing to hire at more senior levels. Junior team members are really impactful in bringing a different vibe and culture to businesses and that has a knock on effect to improve your retention rates and facilitate opportunities for learning and development - and also provide senior members of the team opportunities to lead and coach.”

How Hatch helps Airtasker hire early career talent

“Hatch helps me hire more effectively, and improves the candidate experience for those that are in the early stages of their career journey. I think that for many it can be quite daunting, I remember staring down the barrel of trying to apply for jobs and I wasn’t 100% sure how to go about it - but I knew to some degree what type of business I was looking for and what my core values were, but traditional values didn’t really speak to that. It was very transactional and black and white - here’s the role, here’s the responsibilities. I’m excited to see opportunities arise for people to have a better experience.”

“One of the things that I appreciated about Hatch from the get go was the focus on values in the approach to hiring, which is very aligned to something that we really promote at Airtasker. For us it’s just not good enough to hire someone based on their skills - they need to align with our company values. To see that promoted by the tool that you’re using to hire talent, you assume that it would, and I’ve seen it - attract like-minded people to your business.”

The main value Airtasker gets from using Hatch

“The main value that I get out of using Hatch is an honest and values based approach to hiring junior talent. One of the things that I’ve been really impressed with is the volume and quality that we’ve seen for the roles that we’ve posted on Hatch. It’s really positive to be able to attract the right kinds of junior talent and maintain Airtasker’s position as an attractive place to work.”

Learn more about Airtasker through their Hatch profile here 👉

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