How Streem use Hatch to hire early career talent

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Streem, ANZ’s leading media intelligence group are on a mission to deliver realtime media monitoring and insights, with their team of 150+ servicing over 700 of Australia and New Zealand's largest corporate and government organisations. Streem operate in a space where there are a lot of opportunities to upskill, early career roles make up a significant portion of Streem's hiring - with over 60% targeting people in the first 5 years of their careers. We spoke with Tania Howarth, Chief of Staff at Streem about how they use Hatch.

"Hatch brings the human element back into the hiring process. The videos of candidates on their profiles are a game changer for us."

Tania Howarth
Chief of Staff

How did they use Hatch?

The better and human way to hire

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How Streem use Hatch to hire early career talent

Streem, ANZ’s leading media intelligence group are on a mission to deliver realtime media monitoring and insights, with their team of 150+ servicing over 700 of Australia and New Zealand's largest corporate and government organisations. Streem operate in a space where there are a lot of opportunities to upskill, early career roles make up a significant portion of Streem's hiring - with over 60% targeting people in the first 5 years of their careers. We spoke with Tania Howarth, Chief of Staff at Streem about how they use Hatch.

"Hatch brings the human element back into the hiring process. The videos of candidates on their profiles are a game changer for us."
Tania Howarth
Chief of Staff

Why Streem started using Hatch

“Initially, we really found a connection and synergy in what Hatch does and what Streem is doing. We found that Hatch invests in their companies as much as they invest in the candidate community and that was something that was really cool for us, and it meant a lot for us - being able to have video content shot and a company profile created on Hatch’s website.” 

How Hatch has changed the way Streem hires

For us, it’s a game changer. Hatch has the right community of candidates for us - it's a pool of the overall workforce looking for work that is often overlooked. Hatch addresses an age-old issue - finding the 'human element' within the hiring process."

“Having videos included as part of someone’s application cuts down the screening process for us - it’s a massive time saver because you get a feel for a person, you can immediately see who someone is, if there’s a cultural fit, and what they’re like when they’re speaking - and vice versa, they get a video of us and our office and the environment that they’ll be joining. I think that’s so important and not something that you get on other job sites.” 

What sets Hatch apart

“The main value that I get from Hatch that I don't get from other job boards is being able to bring back the human element back to the hiring process.”

“Using Hatch makes me feel excited, excited about hiring and the opportunities for us but it also makes me excited for candidates in their early careers. I think that there’s a huge opportunity for businesses and for candidates to connect.”

Learn more about Streem on their Hatch profile here 👉

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