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How'd you get there? Product Analyst at Qantas with Will Sexton

Hannah Johnston

Nov 17, 2023
min read

Hatch recently sat down with community member Will Sexton, who landed a role through Hatch to learn more about his early career story.

Ever wondered what it takes to become a Product Analyst at Qantas? Hatch community member Will Sexton suggests “Being open to feedback, and continuously learning and improving”. This write-up dives into Will’s early career story and how he’s managed to land a role he loves at Qantas. 

What has your early career journey looked like?

Will: In the early stages, my focus was to gain exposure to various roles because I wasn't entirely sure about my career path. My first job was as a food and beverage attendant at the Sydney Cricket Ground, which gave me my first experience working in a team environment.

I found it valuable as it helped me develop customer-facing skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment. I continued to explore different opportunities and apply for various positions.

What did you study, and why?

Will: I chose a Bachelor of Commerce because of its flexibility and broad scope. I've always had an interest in business, even back in high school when I tried small business ventures.

I saw commerce as a great fit for me, and I was also drawn to the opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, which turned out to be a valuable aspect of my university experience.

What has your experience with using Hatch been like?

Will: My first role through Hatch was as a business analyst with the title of "trade support analyst" at J.P. Morgan. I worked in the risk and controls department within the market's business. It provided insights into how banks operate and was a valuable learning experience, despite not having prior professional banking experience.

How did you stand out during the application process for your initial role, especially as a young person?

Will: I believe what made me stand out was my attitude, drive, and eagerness to make the most of the opportunities. I demonstrated a willingness to learn, adapt, and work hard. While I lacked professional experience, I conveyed my determination to figure things out and make a positive impact.

What challenges did you face during your early career and how did you overcome them?

Will: One of the significant challenges I faced was securing internships and roles. It wasn't a smooth journey, and I encountered many ups and downs. There were times when I didn't land a role, which could be demotivating.

However, maintaining a positive mindset, persevering, and being open to feedback were essential. I learned that perseverance, combined with continuous learning and improvement, was the key to overcoming challenges.

What is your role as a Product Analyst at Qantas like?

Will: As a Product Analyst, my role is multifaceted, involving high-level strategy, managing product enhancements, and executing changes. In my current role at Qantas, I work in the Cabin Crew and Airline Services IT team, where we oversee applications and systems used by cabin crew.

This includes managing Qantas' in-flight service delivery app 'RED', where I work on bug fixes, enhancements, and roadmap development. I collaborate closely with support teams and developers to execute changes and improvements.

How big is the team that works on the applications you manage at Qantas?

Will: The team I work with at Qantas is small and comprises of my manager, a technical product owner, myself, and a graduate, totalling three team members.

We collaborate closely with application support and development teams, both onshore and offshore. While I don't make code changes myself, I act as a liaison to coordinate changes, ensuring they align with our product roadmap and goals.

What advice would you give to those interested in pursuing a similar career path?

Will: I would advise maintaining a positive mindset, being open to feedback, and continuously learning and improving. Perseverance is key, especially when facing challenges. It's important to demonstrate a strong work ethic and eagerness to make the most of opportunities.

Learn more about life at Qantas

What can you learn from Will’s early career journey so far? Learn more about Product Management and Design roles and roles at Qantas you can explore in your early career.

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