Assignar uses Hatch to attract diverse talent to the construction-tech world

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Assignar is misson-led construction tech startup that connects the field to the office. Its construction operations software is used by over 850 customers! As a tech company, Assignar wanted to make sure it was attracting candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds for its roles. In order to do this, the team had 3 specific goals:

  • Let Assignar’s employer brand shine in an easy and effective way;
  • Cut through the noise of job boards and better connect with candidates; and
  • Reduce screening time by attracting candidates with the right motivation and fit.

“Hatch gives context as to who candidates are actually applying for, and it's got a bit more personality. It's more appealing to a younger demographic, and it's more appealing than just LinkedIn or Seek, or any of those really just basic kind of dry job boards.”

Luisa Deidun
People & Culture Manager @ Assignar

How did they use Hatch?

Luisa Deidun, People & Culture Manager @ Assignar shared how managers in the business used Hatch and enjoyed putting the ‘human touch’ back in hiring.

We let our mission and values shine

LD: We wanted to make sure that we weren’t perceived as the ‘construction industry’, but rather people in tech revolutionising the construction industry. We used Hatch roles to bring our team and values to life, which helped us stand out in a more engaging way, compared to text-only job ads.

We found a great mixture of candidates

LD: We received more applications from Hatch than Breezy (our ATS) or LinkedIn. They were also quite diverse! I think, generally, Hatch targets a younger demographic (which is not surprising), but there were a few people that were also more mature in age in there, and that variety was actually really interesting - I wasn't expecting to see that.

Reviewing candidates felt more human

LD: I found Hatch very easy to navigate. It was also simple and straightforward to review candidates. Their intro videos gave the managers in Sales and Customer Success a great visual of who they were talking to.

The better and human way to hire

Hatch is now one of Assignar’s go-to marketplaces for junior talent in Australia. The team has already posted new roles on Hatch, since their first few successful hires. Discover Assignar’s roles:

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Assignar uses Hatch to attract diverse talent to the construction-tech world

Assignar is misson-led construction tech startup that connects the field to the office. Its construction operations software is used by over 850 customers! As a tech company, Assignar wanted to make sure it was attracting candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds for its roles. In order to do this, the team had 3 specific goals:

“Hatch gives context as to who candidates are actually applying for, and it's got a bit more personality. It's more appealing to a younger demographic, and it's more appealing than just LinkedIn or Seek, or any of those really just basic kind of dry job boards.”
Luisa Deidun
People & Culture Manager @ Assignar

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